Grading Scale

The grading process is designed to provide:

  1. GPA scale grade
  2. A recorded letter or percentage grade

All instructors at Great Blessings School will use this system. We believe that this scale will be to the advantage of the students. A pass/fail grade may be determined only at the beginning of a grading period in special classes with prior administrative approval.

  • Preschool/Elementary School
    • 90-100% E = Excellent (Superior Effort)
    • 80-89% G = Great (Good Effort)
    • 60-79% F = Fair (Satisfactory Effort)
    • 0- 59% N = Never Give up (Effort needs improvement)
  • Secondary/high School
    • 90-100% A = Excellent (Superior Effort)
    • 80-89% B = Great (Good Effort)
    • 70-79% C = Fair (Satisfactory Effort)
    • 60-69% D = Effort needs improvement
    • Below 60% F = Failing (Never Give –up)


Students will receive a progress report at the end of each term. Notification to the student and parent will be made if the student is per- forming below an acceptable level.


A pretest is usually taken within the first two days of resumption of each term. All students are tested each term in order to help the school Administration evaluate student progress. The test results are made available to the parents at the end of each term. Learners in the foundations and preschool departments do not take formal tests but are assessed on a continuous basis. Some subjects in the Elementary and Secondary school sections are also assessed on a continuous basis.


Each teacher assigns homework as he or she considers necessary to reinforce the daily work. Learners are to use the time after school to complete the assignments and be prepared for the next day’s classes.


Students are expected to work toward academic excellence. Any student admitted into the regular academic program of GB should be able to maintain al least a “C” average on all subjects. Note: Some students may find it difficult to maintain the academic excellence required by the School. Such students will be encouraged to spend extra time with qualified teachers or tutors to enable them to keep pace with their classmates. If a student gets less than a C average in Math or English language, that student will be mandated to stay for an extra week at the end of each term to cover up work and meet the minimum academic standard for these subjects.

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